

Medicinal liquor is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine preparations. Using medicinal liquor to cure diseases or maintain health has long been a unique method in traditional Chinese medicine.

However, although medicinal liquor is good, the following points need attention.

Don’t drink at will

The prescription selection must be based on your own constitution, and you should select the medicine according to the certificate and make a reasonable prescription on the premise of consulting the doctor or pharmacist.

There is no need to drink medicinal liquor when there is no deficiency of qi and blood, no rheumatism arthralgia and kidney yang deficiency.

“Alcohol” itself is a medicine with special effect. Many people are not good at drinking. People with cold, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, hypertension, diabetes, gout, skin diseases, and some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should not drink alcohol.

There are also pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding, children, and those with liver and kidney dysfunction should not drink alcohol, and drug alcohol should also be taboo.

When taking western medicine, you should never drink medicinal wine at will, because many western medicines should not be used together with wine and medicinal wine, otherwise serious adverse reactions will occur.

Reasonable organization

Many medicines are not suitable for brewing medicinal liquor:

First, most mineral drugs, especially some toxic mineral drugs, such as arsenic, arsenic, cinnabar, silver vermilion, realgar, etc;

Second, many highly toxic or powerful plant and animal traditional Chinese medicines, drugs with high liver and kidney toxicity, such as nux vomica, raw radix aconiti, raw radix aconiti, leech, and toad cake, as well as toxic herbs commonly used in some regions, and some newly introduced new varieties with little clinical experience should not be introduced into brewing medicinal wine.

Radix Aconiti and Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii are effective drugs for dispelling wind, removing dampness, relieving cold and relieving pain, and treating rheumatism and arthralgia. However, the toxicity of this product is very strong, and the dosage controlled by the Code is very small. After poisoning, it can cause serious heart damage, central paralysis, blood pressure drop, and even respiratory paralysis with brain edema.

Hirudo is a medicine for breaking blood and removing blood stasis and promoting menstruation. It is widely used in modern clinical practice, but it can stimulate the gastrointestinal tract after poisoning, causing extensive internal bleeding, severe abdominal pain and vomiting.

Strychnos nux vomica is an extremely toxic drug, which has a good effect of dispelling wind and dampness, dredging collaterals and relieving pain, but it can cause tonic convulsion, convulsion, and even death after poisoning.

Select time

Generally, it is not advisable to drink it on an empty stomach in the morning or at night, but more than one hour before lunch or dinner.

It is recommended to use more yang warming and tonifying medicinal liquor in winter, and try to drink less or not in hot summer.

Appropriate dosage

The drinking amount shall be determined according to the tolerance of each person to wine and the performance of drugs. Generally, 10~30ml can be drunk each time. If the medicine contains poison or strong medicine, 5~15ml should be used. It is not allowed to drink too much.

Be particular about diet

When drinking and taking medicinal wine, you should try to choose foods with high protein and more vitamins, such as fresh vegetables, fresh fish, lean meat, beans and eggs. You should not eat salted fish, sausage and bacon to avoid liver injury or adverse reactions.

The preparation of medicinal liquor should select the prepared and clean pieces of traditional Chinese medicine with good texture; Choose glass bottles with thin mouth, long neck and large belly, or ceramic tile jars, and clean them.

During the brewing, it should be placed in a cool place, not mixed with gasoline, kerosene and irritants; At the same time, labels shall be attached to avoid confusion.

It should be noted that the ratio between the amount of medicinal liquor and the amount of white liquor is generally 5~6 times, and that for some precious fine drugs or those containing poisons, it can be 8~10 times, that is, 2500~3000 ml or 4000~5000 ml can be used for 500 grams of medicinal liquor, and the soaking time should generally be about 30 days before use.

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