There is a saying in the Soul Pivot Nine Needles and Twelve Elements: “Acupuncture is the essence of needling. It is effective and effective. It is as effective as the wind blows the clouds. It is as clear as the sky. The way of needling is over.” Acupuncture, as a traditional treatment method that has been handed down for thousands of years, is not only widely used in China, but now it is combined with modern diagnosis and treatment technology, and has already gone to the international stage.
In 1972, President Nixon of the United States visited China and witnessed the magic of “acupuncture anesthesia”. He was amazed at it. Today, I bring a short animation to show you the magic of acupuncture anesthesia.
Watch video: acupuncture anesthesia
On the principle of acupuncture anesthesia, Xiaobian will give you a detailed introduction in the following push.